Posts Tagged ‘corn chip’

Combos Zesty Salsa – Nachos and Salsa To Go

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Combos Zesty Salsa - Nachos and Salsa To Go

Combos Zesty Salsa are a unique spin on the nachos and salsa you’ve had in the past. Taking the same shell and paste combo of their standard cheese flavor, this variety actually uses a corn shell as opposed to the standard “bread like dough.” I love trying snacks I haven’t actually bought since childhood and […]

Worth a Munch

PopCorners Popped Corn Chips in White Cheddar – A Snack Evolution…With Cheese!

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PopCorners Popped Corn Chips in White Cheddar - A Snack Evolution...With Cheese!

A snack that combines two favorites seems like a bonus to me and PopCorners Popped Corn Chips in white cheddar touts a combination of flavors and snacks; a rare feat. So would taking a fairly standard snack staple, the corn chip and pushing it a step further so the corn was popped to form “The […]

Worth a Munch

Doritos Nacho Cheese – A Cheesy Snack Staple

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Doritos Nacho Cheese - A Cheesy Snack Staple

One of the oldest “non plain” snacks I can remember, Doritos Nacho Cheese can be found all over the world and are a delicious, cheesy corn chip. Once again I was fortunate enough to have some folks who had never tried the American, and I think most cheese tasty, version on hand to see how […]


Wise Dipsy Doodles – A Tasty Wavy Corn Chip

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Wise Dipsy Doodles - A Tasty Wavy Corn Chip

It seems we’ve been on a corn chip binge lately at MunchiesHQ and today we are doing a review of Wise Dipsy Doodles. One of the only competitors to Fritos that I can think of, Dipsy Doodles are one of my favorite childhood snacks. How did they fare a few years later with some additional reviewers […]

An Average Snack

Doritos Cool Ranch – The Same “Wow” I Remember

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Doritos Cool Ranch - The Same

I can actually remember when Doritos Cool Ranch chips came out in 1987. A stark contrast from their Nacho Cheese cousins, these chips had some serious kick that in all honesty doesn’t remind me of ranch dressing. Names aside (they were “Cooler Ranch” at some point), my co-reviewer summed up the same way I felt […]