Author Archive

Chipsletten – Delicious Chips From a Country Known For Beer

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Chipsletten - Delicious Chips From a Country Known For Beer

Having not enjoyed  an international snack in quite some time, I was excited to pop open review the can of Chipsletten Paprika Flavor Potato Crisps delivered by a friend. Purchased in Germany, the can was identical to the kind of mini-cans you find Pringles in. The can itself is pretty plain and features pictures of […]

Worth a Munch

Dirty Sea Salted Potato Chips – Plain Perfection

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Dirty Sea Salted Potato Chips - Plain Perfection

Dirty Sea Salted Potato Chips come in the standard word-heavy bag that all Dirty Chips come in.  The front promises a crunchier, tastier potato chip and their Sea Salt variety absolutely delivers on this promise. A plain chip that is perfectly created, Dirty Sea Salted Potato chips, like most of their other varieties we have […]


Doritos Cool Ranch – The Same “Wow” I Remember

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Doritos Cool Ranch - The Same

I can actually remember when Doritos Cool Ranch chips came out in 1987. A stark contrast from their Nacho Cheese cousins, these chips had some serious kick that in all honesty doesn’t remind me of ranch dressing. Names aside (they were “Cooler Ranch” at some point), my co-reviewer summed up the same way I felt […]


Wise Honey BBQ Potato Chips – A Sweet Mesquite Treat

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Wise Honey BBQ Potato Chips - A Sweet Mesquite Treat

I was eager to try Wise’s Honey BBQ Potato Chips after being disappointed by longtime favorite Wise’s Onion and Garlic Potato Chips; this was mostly because I was hoping to prove to myself that the company does offer delicious chips at a great price. Thankfully, their Honey BBQ flavor was a return to the form […]

Worth a Munch

Flipz Double-Dipped Peanut Butter & Chocolate Covered Pretzels

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Flipz Double-Dipped Peanut Butter & Chocolate Covered Pretzels

With a name so long I don’t have space to write anything witty, Flipz Double Dipped Peanut Butter & Chocolate Covered Pretzels are pretty self explanatory. Unfortunately, due to heat our chocolate and peanut butter “cover” turned more into a mush, but it did not make this snack any less tasty, though it was probably […]

Worth a Munch